Help! When Do I Give Up On My Drug Addict Son?

Help! When Do I Give Up On My Drug Addict Son?

Knowing that your child is taking drugs is a heartbreaking discovery for any parent and it’s even worse if they’ve reached a stage where withdrawal seems almost impossible. Parents always envision a healthy and prosperous life for their child but these hopes are shattered when they get to know about the problem of substance abuse […]

Visiting Loved Ones in Rehab: What You Need To Know

Visiting Loved Ones in Rehab: What You Need To Know

It’s not easy seeing a loved one struggling with addiction and it’s even harder when they enter rehab. It can be a challenging time for both family and friends. Some may wonder if can you visit someone in rehab, the answer is yes you can. Even with approval many contemplate if they should visit their […]

How Behavior Therapy Differs from Psychoanalysis in Advanced Psychiatric Services

How Behavior Therapy Differs from Psychoanalysis in Advanced Psychiatric Services

Mental health is a growing concern around the world and it can be hard to decide what approach suits your condition best. There are two therapeutic approaches available to treat mental health concerns: behavior therapy and psychoanalysis. Each of them follows a specific methodology and has its pros and cons.  Before we begin a deeper […]

How Can You Detox From Weed And How Long Does It Take

How Can You Detox From Weed

Weed? Not something new to people. Humans love marijuana and it is one of the most common drugs people have been addicted to. Weed is marijuana’s street name and it’s very common in the US next to alcohol. It’s also one of the drugs popular with younger adults and teenagers. Weed is smoked through hand-rolled […]

The Journey to Soberness – Exploring Alcohol Detox Medications

The Journey to Soberness

Has alcohol abuse made your life a living hell? Did your pleasures die too soon after realizing how big of a curse alcohol itself is? It not only ruins your physical health but kills you mentally, destroying every bond you ever made and every individual you ever loved; alcohol takes it all away, leaving you […]

Los Angeles Residential Treatment Centers: A Path to Recovery from Addiction

Los Angeles Residential Treatment Centers

Addiction is a crisis that surpasses boundaries, sparing no one regardless of age, occupation, ethnicity or socioeconomic background. Alcohol addiction affects individuals across all demographics. Los Angeles has a diverse community and alcohol addiction is a prevalent concern in Los Angeles. Residential treatment center Los Angeles is a need in the area where Alcohol addiction […]